Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Exercise Classes - Your Rhythm or Blues?
As I was perched upon my stationary spinning bike, I was diligently following all of the directions from the teacher. She was shouting “faster, faster you can make it up this incline” (of course there was no incline, we were indoors in a gym on these odd little bikes, but with the tension turned up it feels like a massive hill) the music was blasting. She continued to push us, to make us work harder; “Peddle harder, stay strong, you can do it, only ninety more seconds” (I guess ninety seconds sounds more encouraging than it’s just another minute and a half). My heart was pounding, I was breathless, my legs were burning from the intensity. As I was peddling faster and faster my imagination slowly lifted me into another dimension. For a brief moment I thought I was in Kansas or perhaps ET had possessed my body. I swear I had lifted off the ground and was observing my world from an entirely new angle. Actually, the cycling room is on the second floor and one wall has all windows overlooking two racquetball courts below that have been converted into one very large fitness room.
I looked down and saw this aerobic class in progress, I could not hear anything, it was all visual. I was watching them step up on the step, back down, turn around, jump three times. Step to the left. Step to the right. Touch your toes. Step on the step, step down, turn left, turn right. I was mesmerized. There were at least twenty people in the class and I’ll be damned if every one of them was in perfect sync with each other. How the hell did they do that? Was this some professional aerobic class? How come nobody was turning the wrong way or bumping into the next person? That happened every time I tried one of those classes. Let me clarify, that is what I did every time I took one of those classes. And I have tried these classes more times than I can count. As I was peddling away on my bike I continued to watch them. It appeared that everyone was truly enjoying the exercise class and no one was getting hurt from the person beside them.
I think I would be a much thinner person if I had any sense of rhythm. I say this because so many exercises I have tried are just too damn difficult for me. The teacher says left, but I move right because that is what I see when I am watching her as she is facing the class. Then there are all those mirrors, wall to wall mirrors. I understand why, but is it really necessary? Us chunkier gals with no coordination could certainly get a much better workout if we did not have to see our silly grinning, backwards stepping faces every time we turned around. It is absurd.
Let me tell you, I am not kidding when I write that I have tried so many of these various classes. Just to name a few - kick boxing, step, beginning step, basic step, just abs, circuit classes, cross fit, fun & fit, all of them so challenging with the music/exercise I just got overwhelmed and quit. For someone with already borderline low self esteem/body image issues, this is not a good place to be. I have not tried and would not even consider; Boot fitness – here is the description – A class incorporating balance, strength and cardio training. Come and join this challenging workout. The description alone makes me break into a sweat, does that count? Here’s another good one I would not consider; Athletic Step. Ready? A little Choreography and high intensity, powerful movement on the step. Now I know any description that includes choreography is immediately out of my league, not to mention the title has the word athletic in it. No need for me to further describe how challenging and disastrous either of those would be for me. Talk about a blow to self esteem.
Lucky for me that I am persistent and understand that I must be active or I will be overweight. By the time I get to work every day, I have not even exerted myself enough to burn fifty calories. I then sit on my ass for at least eight to nine hours with little or no activity, except my fingers tapping on my computer. The lack of activity adds up quickly and accumulates right in my belly. Therefore I must find activities that I can do AND enjoy. Okay well maybe enjoy is stretching it a bit. Exercise I am capable of doing without hurting anyone else or myself. Actually I have settled in on a few, but boy would it be nice to have all the other options too. I just read an interview with Brooke Shields, she said that "she enjoys working out much more after than during." Wow, could I relate to that. Here is a list of what I can do; running and walking, even while listening to my IPod so I guess that’s something to be grateful for. Then on a very limited basis- yoga and pilates (as long as they go slow and I do not look at myself in the mirror). One glance in the mirror and I could tip right over Again, I certainly would not want to hurt people in this class. Aqua aerobics because ninety percent of my motion is underwater so nobody but me knows what’s really going on. Besides the music is washed out over the motion of the water so I can focus on the movements. I can do my own individual work outs with the weights (machines mostly) combined with the treadmill, rowing machine and bikes but I have a tendency to not push myself as hard when it is just me. And then of course my spin class. Oh my god I am in a spin class, as I come back to reality.
“Go! Go! Come on you can do it, only ninety seconds left of our workout! PUSH, PUSH AS HARD AS YOU CAN!” Woo Whoo, as I flashed back, that was the quickest workout I have done yet. I like spin class. It’s easy, you need no rhythm, I’ve yet to hurt anyone and there is someone pushing you to push way beyond your comfort zone. It’s my personal favorite.
NOTE TO SELF: Do what you can do to keep active!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Jumping Hurdles - How High Are Yours?
Apparently, at my average stature of 5’4” I like hurdles. I like jumping over hurdles, whether they be clutter , weight, money , fitness or time management hurdles. If I have jumped it once, I have jumped it again and again. These aren’t just random hurdles that life puts before me. No siree, these are hurdles I place in my own life. They are my personal huddles. I seem to very strategically place them throughout my life so I am constantly trying to get over them. Why? That is a fantastic question to ask myself. Hum, why not get over the hurdle and keep looking forward? Instead of looking back, grabbing that hurdle I thought I just mastered and then reset it smack in front of myself? Right there in my very own future? Geez, I think I mentioned in an earlier post, that there was a good chance you would feel better about yourself after reading my personal insights. How are you feeling now?
If I seriously ask myself the question, why the same hurdles over and over? I think I would have to say “it’s because I truly have not mastered that hurdle, YET.” Once I honestly evaluate the hurdles, I find that each time the hurdle is a bit lower. It is easier and quicker to get over. Eventually that hurdles is eliminated. A good example is smoking. I was a smoker. I loved to smoke. I quit smoking fifty times before I became a non-smoker. That hurdle is no longer in front of me. Another hurdle was being organized. That was another big one for me. Slowly from trial and error, I have just about mastered that one. You seldom will walk into my home and see everything strewed all over the place in an attempt to organize myself, my life.
So for now, I am still jumping some of the same hurdles. Most prominent in my life today is the weight hurdle. I got over the big ten pound mark and my hurdle just got lower. I accept that jumping my personal hurdles equal my personal growth. Sometimes it will be the same hurdles. Sometimes there may be some new ones too. And then there will be times I am just on the straight stretch.
NOTE TO SELF: Keep jumping and eventually you’ll land firm on both feet!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Do You Buy Your Veggies AND Eat Them Too?
Also, I think every shopping trip is the last one for the next several weeks so I buy excessively. (It’s clearly that same issue of moderation or lack there of). I crack myself up because as I am putting stacks of lettuce, beans, bell peppers tomatoes, cilantro, etc. I know it is not going to last. I am fully aware that it would be impossible to eat everything before it spoils. I would have to be feeding all of Jon and Kate’s plus eight plus their dates and the entire staff too, maybe even the whole damn network in order to not be wasteful.
It’s bad enough that I am an excessive food shopper; I am also a peeping cart watcher. I enjoy peeking into other shopper’s carts. I love to see what food choices they made. God forbid I may have I missed a goodie on special. I am so fascinated with the psychology of humans; I certainly made the wrong career choice. Of course, then I am ashamed to admit how judgmental I am of other peoples shopping choices. I get ticked off when I see some skinny gal pushing a cart loaded with all my favorites such as, numerous types and flavors of breads, all the cheese groups, wine, pastas and a few chocolates too. How dare her! Then there is the one that isn’t skinny and has not one healthy food in her cart. I silently mutter something to myself. I am embarrassed to admit how shallow I can, but truthful too. (Another posting in the works)
Actually since starting this “self-discovery” journey, I have become aware of my shopping habits. And with lots of effort, I really have made significant progress. Wastefulness is not in line with many of my goals. So, I now pretend I am only shopping for three meals in five days. Occasionally I hit the Farmer’s Market. Surprisingly it works! I have cut back tremendously on the waste and I still do not need to shop any more frequently. Apparently, I can use the food in my cupboards to prepare more meals. Let me tell you it takes some serious practice and discipline to not put every colorful piece of fruit into my cart and sometimes I have to make another loop in the store to put items back. As far as the being a cart peeper, well that’s still another story.
NOTE TO SELF: Mind your own business in the market!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Your Own Best Friend or Worst Critic?
Then I had to stop and think about all the challenges and obstacles I have overcome throughout my life. Yes, it is true I probably am the biggest obstacle in my own life. Hey, that’s okay because it means I continually challenge myself. I never give up on the notion that I can just try again. Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote eight or nine years ago:
I’ll never forget that beautiful summer day when I was driving down the steep, winding, mountain road. I had the windows rolled down and the warm fresh air was blowing against my face. I was singing out loud along with the radio. The view of valley below was breathtaking. There was a sea of evergreen trees as far as I could see. As I was speeding along I smiled realizing my personal victory. I began laughing as I was weeping tears of joy. I began shouting, I’m free, I’m free! I felt like I was on top of the world and I have driven myself there.
You see, I had been suffering from an anxiety disorder which caused me to have severe panic attacks while driving. For the last few years the panic attacks kept me confined to less than a seven mile radius from my home. But at that very moment when I realized I was driving with much ease, I knew my long difficult, agonizing bout with panic attacks had taken a new direction.
How would your life be effected if suddenly you were terrified to stand in line at the grocery store? Or perhaps ever time you started to drive on the highway you were overwhelmed with dizziness and fear. What if you were frightened beyond your control to go to the shopping mall? What if you woke up in the middle of the night with all the symptoms of a heart attack, you call 911 but no heart attack happenes , just your imagination. This may sound ridiculous or unbelievable, but sadly it is a true illness. The National Institute of Mental Health reports panic disorder strikes between three and six million Americans and is twice as common in women as in men.
Margaret Thatcher once said, “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it”. How very true this is. More than once I felt defeated, beaten down and destined to be confined by my own fears. However I was determined to win this battle no matter how long it took or how difficult it was.
And I did. Approximately a year after this driving success, I packed up and moved to Los Angeles. I drove every day on the freeway. Could there be a better city with extensive traffic to take on the fear of freeway driving? Today I can honestly say I am grateful for my experiences with an anxiety disorder. I will never forget the fear and panic I once lived with day to day. I transformed my anxiety to work for me not against me. It serves as a constant reminder that I am the one that controls my own life, not circumstances nor situations. I have learned that within myself lie the necessary tools and strength of my own happiness and freedom. Although, apparently there are many days I forget to acknowledge my successes. I guess I really need to lighten up on myself. Relax and keep reminding myself of my accomplishments and successes I have achieved.
NOTE TO SELF: "Until you make peace with who you are, you’ll never be content with what you have." Doris Mortman
Sunday, July 19, 2009
MOTIVATION 1,2,3 - What' Your Source?
As I am enjoying my successes I have to stop and think, “What’s my source of motivation and how to do I keep tapping into it?” Getting motivated is easy. Staying motivated, well that’s a whole new ball game. The key word is NOT motivation, it is STAYING. I am a very impulsive person, getting motivated comes very easy to me. I am a very impulsive person, staying motivated is an ongoing, overwhelming challenge for me. Every avenue of my life gets it's power from my sources of motivation. It also can stop me cold in my tracks when I lose the motivation and drive to continue on. I am continually working hard on finding the balance in all areas but for now the growing awareness is key.
That old saying “misery loves company” rings true to me. Really it is not that I want everyone else to have my challenges with confidence, anxiety, fear or whatever my issue is for the week. It’s that I do not want to be the only one with issues. I want to know my issues are not unique to me. I want to know that I am normal because other people are weird too. Ha, I find this very funny as I like to consider myself just a bit different, colorful if you will, yet I want to know there are others out there with the same quirks as I. For example, like most people I was highly motivated when Oprah met Bob Greene and she made losing weight look so easy. She was looking so svelte in her new size 10 jeans. Wow she was amazing with her stamina and workouts. I wanted to be that fit too! But you can bet your bottom, nothing motivated me more than her admitted weight gain. Actually, it was not her recent weight gain, it was the conversation where she said she could not believe she was still discussing weight issues AGAIN! That she repeatedly lost, gained, struggled, lost, gained the same weight over and over again. Holy shit, I thought Oprah had possessed my mind and that it was my words coming out of Oprah’s mouth. I was so excited, if Oprah with all her power, wealth and resources still struggled with weight, then I was okay. Oprah was just like me. I was not alone in this struggle. That motivated the hell out of me.
One of the ongoing sources of motivation for my weight loss adventure (and trust me, it is an adventure) is the home page on my internet. My home page is Yahoo and I have the weather and all sorts of news. However, recently I moved, world, national, local and entertainment news lower on my page and I put two Weight Watcher posting board forums on the very top. It is the very first thing I see when I sign on the internet. The first forum board is titled: 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community – Needless to say the title alone caught my eye, loved the verbage. I am not sure when this forum was started, however, look at these statistics; Threads: 151,155, Posts: 2,539,235, Members: 78,725. Two friggin million posts. I am not alone! It’s not three fat chicks, it’s a million, plus!
As I read these titles I find comfort in knowing I am just like all the rest. It is not a secret “I struggle with my weight” society. It is a non exclusive society/club that millions belong to . Here is just a few of the post titles; Join me today to get back on track. New to this site, but not new to the struggles of weight loss. motivational tv for weight loss? struggling, need motivation. comfort food when you are sick. The second forum is a Weight Weight Watchers Forum. The lists of postings go on and on and I can relate to, or understand what the posting will be, without even reading it. I know, I have been there. I just find comfort and support in knowing I am not alone. That is an ongoing source of motivation for me. What motivates you? How do you keep it going? I'd love to hear your comments......
For me, first I define the areas that I need motivation to move forward. Second, I find ongoing sources of motivation. Third and most important, I take action!
NOTE TO SELF: Drop the misery – Happiness loves company too!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Good or Bad – What’s Your Habit?
Actually I have been struggling trying to find the words to articulate what I am trying to say. Then I realized that a good habit is simply the absence of a bad habit or vice versa. Or perhaps a good habit is action and a bad habit is lack of action. In other words, if I consistently exercise on a regular basis, that’s a good habit. If I never exercise that’s a bad habit. The good habit has many positive results, like the release of endorphins, a stronger healthier body and overall better mood. The bad habit has negative results, like less energy, guilt, tighter clothes, etc. Yet I can drop that good habit in a flash and will struggle endless to try to get myself to turn that bad habit back into a good habit. And I would bet you know exactly what I am talking about.
A good habit I have is not allowing the junk mail to pile up on my desk. When it is a good habit, I open my mail immediately and toss all the junk. I put the bills into a pay folder, it is a very organized and easy system. It’s a good habit that keeps my desk tidy and eliminates the clutter all in less than five minutes. This should not be difficult to be consistent, it has all positive results. You know I bet I only practice this good habit a third of the time. All the other times with lack of action it becomes a “bad” habit and I let that crap pile up on my desk until there literally is not any place left to work. I only saved two to five minutes over a short period of time not addressing the junk mail when it came in. Then I will spend a few hours trying to unbury my desk. Good habit vs. bad habit does not even make sense.
Another good habit is eating a lot of salads. I love salads. I have a few different ones that I like to make. They are delicious, nutritious, they are easy and they are a great way to fill up without a lot of calories. Want to know how often I practice this good habit? Less than the good mail habit. It’s not like I prepare the same damn salad over and over. I have some pretty spectacular and yummy recipes. So why not? Because sometimes I just don’t feel like it? I think this could be only answered by a professional in which I would have spent numerous hours with.
Actually this list could go on and on and on, but I’m not quite sure I want to air all my dirty laundry. And I am pretty sure you would immediately discontinue following these posts. But you get the point. So I guess my best self advice is to just try to practice more good habits than bad and then I will be moving forward with the action.
NOTE TO SELF: Have a Salad Today!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Stuff Stuff Stuff - Take It or Leave It?
First of all there is the stuff in your home, including your clothes. There is the extra stuff that is located somewhere out of your immediate reach yet it still resides within the closets and cupboards. Then there is the stuff that you are done using but have not emotionally detached from, this stuff is generally located in the garage, attic or shed, or in my case what does not fit in my shed, is then relocated to my Mother’s garage. Then there is the vacation, seasonal or recreational stuff such as decorations, camping gear, snow skis, fishing or other sports items. This kind of stuff can be located anywhere. Just stop and think about all of your stuff……
As I was getting ready to leave last week, I remember being so challenged about what to take and what to leave at home. I like to call it SSA = Stuff Separation Anxiety. Let’s start with the entertainment section of my packing. The giant stack of magazine went with. In addition to four library books. Now the logic behind that was, I did not want to be stuck in the woods and NOT have something good to read. So the forty seven magazines were not sufficient and apparently I really can’t judge a book by its cover. So I hauled all of them with me and then I hauled all of them back home. Never peeked into a magazine and never opened a book. Now I still have to put them away. Games included Mad Gab, Kismet, Yahtzee, three packs of cards, Boggle and Trivial Pursuit. First of all the only difference between Kismet and Yahtzee is the color of the dots on the dice. Other than that it is the same damn game. Maybe I thought I would be bored in the wilderness? I had twelve other people with me. We were having a blast visiting and enjoying the environment. Never played one game, I still have to put them all away.
Since there were so many of us traveling we had several conversations about who was bringing what. We were all staying in the same campsite. I knew what everyone was bringing, yet I can’t stand to be without so I took my camp stove, dishes, flatware and pans, of which not one was used. Now I still have to put them away. Food, oh Lord, that could be another entire post. The one thing I do not have left over is wine, but I am proud to report I still had some cheese left over!
Then there were all of the clothing decisions. This brought on stress because I had never been there before. On the other hand I have camped several hundred times, so I am not sure why I thought this would be different. I was gone for five days. I took three jeans, several T-shirts (long, short and mid length sleeves), sweatshirt. At least five pairs of shorts. Two, not one, two swimsuits (just in case I was having a skinny day). That’s right, a “skinny day”! Would that have been from all the cheese, the beer and or the wine? Like I said I have been camping before. Never put either suit on. I put them away, immediately! Nobody that is trying to lose weight wants their swimsuits laying around. I took five baseball hats (red, green, white, tan and black), I cannot even explain the thought behind that.
I packed cots, tent, sleeping bags, you name it and I had it. I am quite confident I could have stayed in the forest for several weeks with the food and supplies I took. However after I touted all my crap to the mountains I still forgot or packed too light on some items. Socks! Yep, I specifically remember putting socks back into my drawer because I was running out of room in my bag. Yes indeed I had two total pairs of socks. They were white when I left and very, very stinky and dirty when I came back. I forgot extra blankets – it was very chilly at night and I was oh so cold the first few nights. I usually take a knit cap to sleep in, however, I also specifically remember putting it back because I had too many hats already! The list goes on and on and on.
I am sure there is a pill for SSA, right? Although, if I would really just get back to the basics and simplify I am confident the symptoms would diminish. I would not have wasted hours of packing and unpacking. Focus on what the trip was about, prepare to enjoy the destination, take only the necessities and literally leave all the crap behind. This can apply to many various kinds of journeys and adventures. We all can get a bit overwhelmed with the stuff around us and then we simply lose our focus amongst the clutter.
NOTE TO SELF: It’s just stuff!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Back From the Great Outdoors
So on my last post dated July 6th, I was down another 1.4 pounds and my goal was to have a breakeven number on my next weigh in. Ha. Ha. Ha! Yeah, I must have been suffering from some pre vacation loss of all reality. Did I really think I was going to adventure into the great outdoors and not imbibe and partake like someone that was lost in the desert for a week or so? I was not only thirsty and starving, I was delusional.
Everything, I mean everything tastes better outdoors! Here is just a sample of some of the food I was enjoying. Beer, wine, wine, beer, cheese, cheese with crackers, cheese with tomatoes and basil, cheese with more cheese, cheese with salami, crackers with cream cheese topped with sweet heat habanero jams, steak, pasta with bolognaise sauce, pancakes. But thank god I did not eat any white bread or smores because I was taking it easy on the empty carbs. It was a food feast and I loved every moment of it!
In my defense, I did do some wonderful hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail. I attempted to do a run, however the altitude combined with the heat kicked my butt. Not the alcohol or food, just the altitude and heat! (More delusions).
I would get brave and just hop on my scale. However during my last ‘self make-over’; the one that I decided I would simply accept my ever so present muffin top that resides in quantity over every pair of pants I own. You know, that roll of squishy fat that hangs over the top of your pants. It is similar in appearance to a muffin top hanging over the container it was baked in, but not nearly as appetizing and yummy. So I simply tossed the damn scale out. Yes indeed, I was just going to learn to accept my body and improve self image by not being focused on the number on the scale. How’d that work out for me? I was up two sizes, my muffin top/waist line expanded by more than just a few inches AND I am in need of a new scale!
Although, after serious consideration I think I’ll pass on the new scale purchase. This will help keep me aware of what I eat and how much I exercise this week. Who knows maybe it will take a miracle to reach the goal of breaking even this week. Or maybe, just maybe the exercise helped and I can pull this one off. Friday will tell……
NOTE TO SELF: Believe in miracles!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Only in Canada, eh?
As I write this I am on my way to visit my family in Cape Breton, a three hour drive from my home in Halifax. If you are reading this it means I was successful in my attempts to get on my parents "dial-up".
I left work early today. I had to. We have been inundated with clouds, rain, cold, wet, damp, overcast weather for the last - say three weeks. The sun finally graced us with it's presence yesterday, and I decided it was high time for me to get myself a little bit of Vitamin D lovin's.
So, I packed up my bags, hopped on a bus & headed downtown to wait for my drive to CB. I sat on the bus reflecting on how much fun my weekend home will be in the country. How excited my niece and nephew will be to see their "Antie Dale".
I was jolted out of my daydream when we happened upon a most spectacular sight to behold. I must tell you, not living or working downtown, I'm not affected much by the hype and excitement of events and happenings that go on in the summertime in downtown Halifax. As the bus went by the "commons", as it is so affectionately known - our large green-space intended for games of baseball, soccer, frisbee or just simply to hang out in, I couldn't help by feel the energy as I looked at the throngs of people mulling about. Sir Paul arrived in town today to perform at an outdoor concert tomorrow night. Worker bees were busily transforming the commons, setting up the stage (which I must say is quite impressive), cordoning off the perimeter, setting up beer tents and getting things in place for the 60+thousand fans.
As we continued downtown you could tell there had been a recent influx of people. Cars waiting at intersections for the masses to cross, people wandering around with various styles of cameras hanging around their necks, looking up and down the streets taking in the sights. It is sure to be a fantastic weekend. Sir Paul even admitted to coming to Halifax to coincide with our "Tall Ships 2009" festival, which starts next Thursday. He undoubtedly will partake in these festivities too. It all seems so overwhelmingly exciting - the buzz in the air is intoxicating, and I feel a little nostalgic for some live Beatle tunes that I grew up on, ones he will no doubt be performing tomorrow night. I wonder momentarily if I made the right decision to 'book out of town' in the hope for a more quiet and peaceful weekend of sun, sand & sea.
This is not Sir Paul's first visit. He and his then wife, Heather Mills-McCartney, were her a couple of years ago, though not on musician business. They came in protest - to speak out against something that has been in the culture of our aboriginal peoples for centuries - the annual seal hunt. Now I'm a firm believer that people should be entitled to their own opinion, but for some certain activists to use their fame status to make a point and for those that climb on the backs of those using the same - just seems a little 'fishy' to me. Oh yes, seals are very cute, but so are pigs and chickens. Why is he not up in arms against KFC, or Maple Lodge Farms. Is it because these animals are bred for a purpose - to be slaughtered? They've been given a death sentence before they've even been born? Well, I'm sorry Sir Paul, but murder is murder is murder. And for that matter, what about the poor innocent soy plants that never had a chance? Your diet of tofu & lentils is sure to offend someone. (Especially about 1/2 hour after you've finished eating...pfft!)
I guess you can say I feel strongly about culture. However, I also believe to each his own; as long as you are respectful and not 'forcing your will' or ideology on someone, fine. But to force his opinions on matters where, in my opinion he had no business, is just not cool. Is this why I choose not to go to his concert? Perhaps sub-consciously. Perhaps it was the couple of hundred of bucks I'd have to dish out to go. I'm really not sure.
When my bus finally made it downtown I decided to spend my afternoon in the Public Gardens...a lovely little garden spot with tonnes of greenery, a pond and a royal swan in the heart of the city. I noticed a lot of security and policemen around. Then I recognized a photographer from our local newspaper and realized - hey, Sir Paul must be staying at The Lord Nelson Hotel, right across from the Gardens. My heart began to pound when I thought I might just catch a glimpse of him - or better yet, have an opportunity to take his picture.
With camera in hand I sat in the park across from the hotel, waiting, and wondering. If I had the opportunity to take his picture, what would I say to him? "Thank you for letting me take your photograph, Sir Paul, I shall frame it and place it above my dining room table so you can look down on me while I feast on my freshly slaughtered sealmeat."
NOTE: This post is not intended to offend anyone, if it has, I apologize.
NOTE TO SELF: Try being a little easier on people.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
People watching? Don't mind if I do...
Fittingly enough, this flash of color took place at the House of Blues in Chicago. For me, it was the last night of a girls' weekend, and we were all going our separate ways the next morning. We went in for a low key, "can't-go-to-bed-at-10pm-on-our-last-night-here" drink. The band had just ended their first set, and the last of the dinner crowd were finishing their meals. There was an ordinary couple sitting at a table just across from our booth. The guy - let's call him Beige - sat with his back to us, facing the (very tiny) dance floor. From the back, Beige looked to be in his 50's with thinning hair, and average build. At first glance, the woman - we'll call her Magenta - seemed bored. She was probably in her 40's, pleasant looking. She wore her shoulder length,dirty blond hair in bangs and layers. They were both dressed casually in jeans. They had finished dinner, and Magenta also sat facing the danced floor. She would turn toward the table once in a while and poke at the lemon in her glass with the straw. Finally she pulled the wedge of lemon out of the glass and set it on the coaster. It was a big glass. At that point, I though it was a glass of water with lemon. Later, I imagined it to be a giant gin and tonic.
As soon as the band came back from break, the place became a people watcher's smorgasbord...a veritable rainbow. It was hard to focus on just one spot. When I became distracted by all of the other options, Magenta showed up on the dance floor. She was doing a kind of pole dance with one of the columns that flanked the band. One of my friends had to point her out because all you could see were her arms hugging and caressing the column from the other side. Pretty soon, she wrapped a leg around the column. Beige, still in his chair, didn't flinch. I drifted off into distraction, again, when Magenta appeared on the wheelchair ramp across the room. She rode the railing like a wild ballet barre. No reaction from Beige.
Magenta wore herself out and came back to the table just before the band went on break - or maybe Beige shot a look that prompted her to sit down. She didn't stop dancing, though. I admired her uninhibited, drunken joy, and it was some of the best chair dancing I've seen. Beige sat motionless, still facing the band. I guess Magenta had worked up a sweat, because she pulled her sweater off over her head and tied it around her neck - preppy style. She wore a modest tank top under the sweater - or maybe it was an undershirt. Magenta sat for a moment, taking stock of her new look. Then, as if something still wasn't quite right, she lifted an elbow over her head, sniffed one armpit, then the other. She grabbed the lemon wedge from the table and rubbed it vigorously under each arm. She put the lemon back on the coaster and swiped her palms together in a gesture of satisfactory completion, as if to say, "There now, that's better."
I don't think Beige even noticed her lemony freshness. Maybe it was just something she did on occasion....
The waitress brought a piece of cake with a candle to the table and set it down in front of Magenta. She clapped her hands and tapped her feet with excitement. We didn't hear the waitress or Beige sing Happy Birthday, but Magenta didn't even seem to notice. She and Beige shared the piece of cake without speaking. The waitress brought the check. Beige put cash into the folder, and left the table for a few minutes. Magenta went through the money that Beige had left for the bill. She took some out and put it in her purse. Beige returned, and off they went...leaving us to wonder, but laughing too hard to really care.
Note to self: When life hands you lemons, freshen up.
Thanks for reading my post...and thank you Kathleen for pushing me in.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
On Arachnophobia and Looking for a girl I once knew.
Fear, if used for its most core purpose - to keep us from imminent danger - is a very useful tool, but taken out of that context, fear holds us back from our goals. Fear of success. Fear of failure. Fear if we achieve our goals then ‘what happens next?’ And then there are the more common fears; spiders, snakes, heights. There has been much written on fear over the ages, and much more in the arguments of reasons to be fearful; conditioned, learned behavior, acquired responses to external stimulus. My viewpoint is that for the most part, even though they can be rationalized, fear and the reasons for fear are irrational, and really need to be treated as such.
I’ve been on this path of self-discovery for many years now, although more often than not, I have left my self behind, for fear of one thing or another. I’ve let stumbling blocks (fears) literally block my journey. I used to test myself to do better, to be better. Where did that girl go?
A parable: I had arachnophobia. It wasn’t rational, or logical; it was definitely a learned behavior from my mother’s extreme fear of spiders. It was at times debilitating and embarrassing; yet all along in the back of my mind I knew it did not make sense to me. Ten years ago I was working at a summer sea cadet camp in a very warm, very beautiful part of Nova Scotia where our ‘smoking room’ was out back of a building in a ‘fancy’ green army tent. On the first day, a very kindly (and very cute) young officer showed me the way to the tent, beside which an orb-weaver spider was happily sunning himself in the huge web he probably just finished building the night before. He was gigantic, as large as a golf ball. I froze. Perhaps I screamed. The cute officer giggled! I walked all the way around that tent to the other side for weeks to avoid that massive fear generator, all the while the very cute officer offering me kind words of wisdom, that I, over the years, have unfortunately let fall to the back of my mind. There really is nothing to fear. The spider is not going to harm you. Well, although I walked around to the other entrance of the tent for most of the summer, I pushed myself every day to get closer. I started at about a yard away and stared at him, each day spending a little more time with him and getting a little closer (and talking to him when no one else was around.) Eventually I did it! It was an unbelievably empowering, and magnificently freeing sensation, when at the end of our 6 week camp I actually let go of my fear of him. By the time I arrived back home, (possibly with the help of a beer or two) I actually let a spider (though much smaller) walk in my hand. Positively exhilarating!
That spider and I had a relationship that represented a heck of a lot more that just one little bug against a girl - it was a journey in liberating one-self, in trusting one-self and in knowing ones limits.
When I think back to that time of my life, and how free and at peace with myself I was, I can’t help but wonder what has happened between then and now; where did that girl go?
Well, I know she’s here somewhere, maybe I need another cute officer to come along and giggle at me – or maybe I just need to remember to giggle at myself!
Note to self: Recognize irrational fears & laugh at them! Fear only stagnation!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Working Out in the Great Outdoors
I had my weigh in on Friday and kudos to me! Down another 1.4 pounds making a total of 7.6 at the end of week three. Did you check out the cute sliding scale on the right --------------->
Now the real challenge will be this week. I am leaving to go camping for the next several days. My goal is to NOT gain any weight. It’s going to be a real task to be active enough to burn the calories taken in. My next weigh in is July 17th. I swear here and now, I will do this trip and make it a break even week on the scale. My workouts may consist of lifting ice cold beers and jogging around the small eleven site campground in the sweltering heat with beer in hand, but if that’s what it takes, I sure as hell will do it….. NIKE….. DO IT!
I am open to any suggestions to help keep the moderation without deprivation during this trip. Please feel free to email me at NorCaliK@yahoo.com or post a comment. Funny or serious, I’d love to hear from you.
I have some guest writers that will be filling in, so please stay tuned. I promise they will bring a fun and new twist to the blog. In the meantime I will be writing away so I promise to have some good stories upon my return on July 13th.
NOTE TO SELF: Pack beer koozie to keep it cold on daily jogs
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Have You Ever Suffered From Gymalleritis?
Thank goodness there is an antidote which immediately reverses all symptoms and increases energy level……. Yep, it’s called exercise. I strongly encourage you to give it a try. It is amazing. It is invigorating and it is uplifting. It will instantly give you a whole new attitude. It’s only thinking about doing exercise that I do not like, because once I get going, I love it.
My Sister got me started on aqua aerobics. Let me tell you, it is a blast and a fantastic workout. I really don’t understand why the class is not in more of a demand. It is not for the old gals with the fancy swim caps. It is a real cardio workout. The Ab workouts yesterday were killer and I sure am feeling them today. Today I did another great cardio workout that I learned from one of the fitness TV shows. It is a pseudo indoor triathlon workout. You can mix it up with many variations. You can find several versions on the Internet or make your own up to meet your fitness needs. I often do; Exercise bike = burn 150 calories as fast as possible (trust me not as easy as it sounds), immediately get on the rowing machine and row for 2500 meters, next onto the treadmill for two miles. Another version is to do; bike 20 minutes – rowing 10 minutes – treadmill 20 minutes. You can then be in and out of the gym in an hour and get a fantastic workout. Google: indoor triathlon training for these type of workouts.
I thought it may be nice if I share some of my other sources for inspiration and motivation.
Another great source for information on fitness and nutrition with delicious recipes is the Realage by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen. I encourage you to check it out. There is the great article about how to undo a “Pig-Out Weekend” and since the 4th of July is this weekend I thought you might find it interesting. http://realage.typepad.com/food_bites/2007/07/pig-out-weekend.html
If you get the Discovery Health channel, they have two shows I never miss:
I Lost It and X-Weighted. Both are fabulous shows and here is the link to their website: http://health.discovery.com/
So there’s a little information for your back pocket. For me, I am keeping the focus going forward. You are welcome to jump on the bandwagon. We are taking a trip down a new lifestyle road.
NOTE TO SELF: Acknowledge your efforts. Today you took the best path possible towards your goal. Be proud!